- B.A. from University of Toledo, Art Major, graduated Cum Laude
M.A. from Bowling Green State University, Digital Media Major, 3.8 GPA
- Phi Beta Kappa Honorary
Episilon Pi Tau Honorary
GATF (Graphic Arts Technical Foundation)
GAERF (Graphic Arts Education and Research Foundation)
IGAEA (International Graphic Arts Education Association, Inc.)
Education Council of the Graphic Arts Industry, Inc.
PIA (Printing Industries Association, Inc.)
QUI (Quark Users International)
- NCGA National Conference; March 10-13, 1990, Anaheim, CA
Sessions included computer graphics, animation, networking
Gutenberg Festival '90; March 15, 1990, Long Beach, CA
Large west coast printing and graphic arts show
NCGA National Conference; April 8-11, 1991, Chicago, Illinois
Sessions included graphics, publishing, fine art applications plus a special gathering of computer graphic educators
Mac Summit Conference; August 20-23, 1991, Santa Barbara, CA
Sessions included design, networking, publishing, animation
Print '91 and '98, Chicago, Illinois
One of the largest trade shows for computer graphics and publishing held in the US
Mac Summit Conference; August 26-29, 1992, Santa Barbara, CA
Special educational seminars on Adobe Photoshop and QuarkXPress for CEUs, plus sessions on digital painting, digital photography, multi-media, desktop publishing
GATF/GAERF Teacher Conference and Graph Expo 1992, October 3-5, 1992,
New York, NY
1993 GAERF Teacher Conference, August 1-5, 1993, Clemson, South Carolina
Chosen to attend through an educational grant by GAERF.
Week long hands-on seminar sessions including screen printing, color separations and proofs, offset, gravure and flexography printing technologies, and much more.
Mac Summit Conference; 1993, 1995, Santa Barbara, CA
Special educational seminars on Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, Director and QuarkXPress
2-Day Photoshop Seminar; July 14 & 15, 1994, New York City, NY,
4-Day Authorware Training, Oct. 1996
5-Day Director Training; July, 1996
1997 GAERF/IGAEA Teacher Workshop, July 3-13, 1997, Clemson, South Carolina
Chosen for 2 week hands-on workshop covering all aspects of print technology including screen printing, color separations and proofs, offset, gravure and flexography printing technologies, and much more.
NewMedia Conference, 1998, 1999, Toronto, Canada
- Photoshop World, 2003, 2006
- Second Prize O'Reilly PhotoShop Cookbook contest: Layers category
- Designed the new International Graphic Arts Education Association logo (IGAEA)
Designed new logo for Owens Community College; Received awards for logo & newspaper design
Designed the 96 page R/UDAT report for Northern Wood County in a whirlwind overnight session
Exhibits in the May Show at the Toledo Museum of Art;
Third prize nationwide in dress design contest