Physical Properties of Color |
Hue: |
Intensity: |
Primary Colors: Red, blue and yellow--these colors cannot be created from mixtures of other colors, but can be mixed to form all other colors. |
Secondary Colors: Color mixtures made from the primaries: yellow + red = orange yellow + blue = green blue + red = violet |
Complementary Hues directly opposite each other on the color wheel: blue and orange, yellow and blue-violet; red and blue-green; green and red-violet; etc. |
Tertiary Six colors created by mixture of a primary color and its adjacent secondary: blue and green make blue-green; red and violet make red-violet; yellow and orange make yellow-orange; blue and violet make|blue-violet; red and orange make red-orange; yellow and green make yellow green. |
Color Relationships |
Monochromatic: |
Analogous |
Split Complementary: |
Triadic: |
Color Discord: |
Uses of Color |
To Create Balance: Color can be used effectively to create a visual asymmetric balance. |
To Create Space: Colors have an advancing or receding quality: intense, warm colors (red, yellow, orange) and bright values come forward: cool colors (blue, green, purple) and darker values recede. Colors also become less intense as visual depth is implied. |
To Create Mood: Darker, less intense colors create a somber atmosphere while brighter and lighter colors create gaiety. |
To Create Symbolism: Colors symbolize abstract concepts or ideas, mental or conceptual qualities such as fidelity, sin, innocence or cowardice. Color references however are arbitrary and based in the context of culture. |
To Express Emotion: Yellows, oranges and reds give a feeling of expressed emotion like anger or happiness; cooler blues and greens are associated with quieter feelings or even melancholy. |