Unity Through Similarity
A person perceives similar objects as a group or whole, whether it be similar shape, size, color, location, angle or value; similarity is necessary before difference can be perceived.
Unity Through Proximity
Putting the separate elements close together so that they are seen as a total, related pattern rather than as separate entities.
Unity Through Continuation
Something continues (such as a line, edge or direction) from one form to another, carrying the viewer's eye smoothly from one to the next.
Unity Through Closure
Familiar shapes are more readily seen as complete than incomplete, creating a dynamic connection with the viewer when closure takes place.
Unity Through Figure/Ground
The eye and mind separate an object from its surroundings; creating positive and negative space relationships which can be dynamic and ambiguous, offering more than one solution to the eye.
Unity Through Repetition
Elements repeat in various parts of the design to relate the parts to one another: can be elements of line, color, shape, direction, type, etc.